Sunday, November 6, 2011


You know that sick feeling in your stomach that recurrs every time you remember that there's something hanging over your head that you need to do, but whatever it is totally stresses you out because it's not something you can just get done in five minutes or because it's out of your control?

I recently rid my life of two such things: (1) finding a book that I had borrowed from a friend several months ago and (2) finally being able to forward an overdue paycheck to someone on my crew who had moved.

Sweet relief.


  1. Yes! It's so nice to get something accomplished thats been hanging over your head. The feeling I hate is when you know there's something like that, that needs to get done, but you just can't pin point what it is exactly. It's just that feeling that something isn't quite right. Maybe I'm the only one that ever happens to....

  2. sorry I stressed you out with finding the book!!!
    We should have dinner together since you live so close!! JC and I think you're so awesome, Nikki. :)And we would love to get to know your hubby.
