Wednesday, December 21, 2011


I have a little piece of paper that I keep in my scriptures.
It is a meal order ticket from the restaurant where I had my first job.
On this ticket is a list I made for myself while I was at work one day.

These are the things I was working on when I was 15:

"No gossping
No complaining
No whining
Take focus off boys
Do Personal Progress and seminary make-ups
Don't be vain
Have charity
Be honest
Don't be mean--even in joking
Don't freak out or be uptight
Don't make people feel stupid
Don't skip class
Work hard
Study by learning and faith
Don't throw fits when I have to clean up the bathroom after Chels"


  1. I love the list you made for yourself Nikki...they are things that can benefit a person everyday of the week ! It reminds me how I made a similar list of things to live by when I was a scatter-brained youth to help me remain grounded in life. I'll see if I can find it and bring it with me to share this weekend !

  2. Haha! That is so funny and so sweet at the same time. I really liked the last one :)
