Thursday, January 10, 2013


green light

Confession: this is the first non-fiction book I have read for pleasure. I finally learned that non-fiction isn't boring if it's about something fun. This book was written so conversationally, that Elizabeth Gilbert is now one of my girlfriends. And I want to do yoga. Also, don't judge a book by its movie.

yellow light

Sometimes even if non-fiction is about something cool, it's still a little boring. But not boring enough that I couldn't get through three-fourths of it. But boring enough that I didn't finish it. I have mixed feelings about this book.

green light
I feel smarter for having read three non-fiction books in the last 6 months. This one was very interesting. I plan to read more by this author.

green light
This series is The Boxcar Children of young adult fiction. I've sold you, haven't I?

green light

I've only gotten halfway through this book, but that is 250 pages, and I didn't want to have to wait until I was all the way done to write about it. So many reasons to love him even more.


  1. I loved all of Malcolm Gladwell's books, but I liked Blink better than The Tipping Point.

  2. Yay for nonfiction! It warms my heart to see this. Outliers is good. I also really liked "What the Dog Saw" by Gladwell! I'm glad to read what you said about "Eat, Pray, Love" since I had wanted to read...until I saw the movie, which I almost loathed, except that that would have given it too much energy. And I'm usually a Julia Roberts fan.
