Wednesday, January 2, 2013

why we didn't make new year's resolutions last year

On January 1, 2012, Seth and I sat on the couch with a notebook to record our goals for the new year.

"But first," I explained to him, "we need to pick a theme, a motif. We need to have a word or short phrase that summarizes what we want to do or be this year. And it has to be clever. That's what all my blogging friends are doing."

Seth humored his new bride on our first New Year's Day together. We ruminated, threw some ideas around, and eventually got bored and turned on The Office. And went through 2012 without official resolutions.

Clearly, the idea of an all-encompassing word to guide our progress throughout the year isn't our thing. This year, we'll be skipping that step. 


  1. Ha, that's funny. :) I wanted to do that last year too, but couldn't come with anything either. In December, a sign in our RS room seemed to pop out at me: "This season I will give Christ my obedience, kindness and charity". I keep thinking about it, so I figured those three things are what I could work on for this year. It's easier than making something witty up myself. :)

    We started making goals at a time other than New Years and it's worked well, though we did just review and update them. We have yearly, semesterly (since Matt's still on semesters and life changes at each one), and weekly. It works better for us to have smaller goals instead of just yearly (that way, when you fail, it's on a small goal and not a big one so you have 50 more chances. :))

  2. I tried the one theme word and left it at that. Simplify was my goal last year. Relax will be my goal this year :) I would love to see more pictures of your house. I bet you have it decorated so beautifully!
